Facelift surgery in Australia is a popular plastic surgery procedure that aims to remove excess skin and tighten the facial muscles.

Also called “rhytidectomy” a facelift smoothes loose skin and wrinkles on the face and neck, tightens underlying tissues which have become lax and sagging with age, and gets rid of excess fatty tissue.

It removes cheek folds and jowls – the deep lines or folds that run from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth – and redefines the jawline. As a result, your face will appear firmer and look different.

Book a consultation with Brighton Plastic Surgery

If you’d like to learn more about facelift surgery or wish to find out if you’re a suitable candidate, we invite you to book a consultation with Mr Keith Mutimer AM at Brighton Plastic Surgery. Contact us online here or submit a confidential enquiry here.

How long do facelift results last?

While you can achieve significant and noticeable results, it is sometimes tricky to say that a facelift is permanent simply because the natural ageing process will continue.

So while the actual results of a facelift are considered permanent changes, your face continues to age.

Using this logic and understanding, we can expect that a facelift performed by our specialist facial plastic surgeon in Melbourne can be expected to last up to 10 years.

Can a facelift be combined with other procedures?

A facelift may be performed in conjunction with a neck lift or other facial procedures.

Your specialist surgeon can help you understand the most appropriate and effective plastic surgery plan. We encourage you to ask plenty of questions, listen to your surgeon, and have realistic expectations.

Speak to your plastic surgeon today about combining plastic surgery procedures. Some options may include:

Neck lift

A neck lift tightens loose neck muscles and removes loose skin to produce a change in contour and definition of the neck.

Fat injections

Fat injections can help restore lost volume, add definition, and improve your facial contours.

Facial implants

Cheek and chin implant surgery is an individualised procedure customised to meet each patient’s unique needs. It can help improve the shape and contours of your face.

Why do people choose a facelift?

The ageing process is natural, however a facelift may be a suitable solution for you, to target some of the major tell-tale signs of ageing, such as…

Loose skin

Two of the most important proteins that keep younger skin taut and supple are collagen and elastin.

As we age, our bodies produce less of these proteins, resulting in looser, and thinner skin.

A facelift can help to correct these changes by removing excess skin, refining the contours of the face.

Loose facial muscles

Ageing, sun damage, and genetics are three of the leading causes of loose facial muscles.

The tightening of facial muscles is an important part of the entire facelift process, and improves the overall outcomes of the procedure. Loose face muscles, particularly around the jawline, can lead to jowls.

Jowls and excess fat

Jowls are the pockets of fat that sit along your jawline, on either side of your mouth. As we age, these deposits can become more prominent, and drop down to give the illusion of a drooping visage.

A facelift tightens loose muscles along the jawline, removing excess skin and creating a different look for your face.

Am I a good candidate for a facelift?

Patients most suitable for a facelift include those who…

  • Are generally physically and mentally healthy, of a healthy weight and fitness level
  • Do not smoke
  • Have realistic expectations of what any cosmetic procedure can do for them
  • Are honest and transparent with their surgeon

These factors are not conclusive however they are often great indicators.

What is the best age to get a facelift?

While there is no “best” age to get a facelift, we find that typically, those who choose facelift surgery are aged 40+.

Interested to learn more about facelift surgery at Brighton Plastic Surgery?

Get in touch with our friendly team today

Passionate about facial surgery, our specialist facial plastic surgeon Dr Keith Mutimer AM performs facelifts in Melbourne. The procedure is performed at either Linacre Private Hospital or Cabrini Brighton.

Find Brighton Plastic Surgery in New Street, around the corner from the popular Church Street shopping precinct.

If you would like to get in touch online, please fill in this form. Alternatively, you can submit this confidential enquiry form.