It’s almost Christmas! Where has the year gone? As we inch closer to the end of another year we thought we would take this opportunity to recap on the year that was. 2016 has been a really positive year for Mr Mutimer and the team at Brighton Plastic Surgery.
Mr Mutimer was recently appointed President of Interplast Australia & New Zealand. Interplast is a charity that Keith has been involved with since 1984 so he was honoured to take the position and continue his work with this remarkable organisation into 2017.
In August Mr Mutimer was made an honorary member of the Sri Lankan College of Surgeons (CSSL). He received this fellowship in recognition of his distinguished services in the field of surgery. Through his extensive work with Interplast and in conjunction with the Sri Lankan College of Surgeons, he has played an integral part in setting up the CSSL plastic surgery training program.
Dr Ramin Shayan was in the spotlight this year for his pioneering work in treating lipoedema and lymphoedema patients. In June he was featured in a story on Lipoedema on Channel 10’s The Project and he continues to see an ever increasing number of patients seeking treatment for these debilitating conditions.
Our day surgery maintained its full accreditation this year. This means that all the standards that are set by ISO (international Standards Organisation) and the NSQHSS (National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards) were met with no findings or follow up required in any of the 300 plus areas examined, a pretty impressive outcome for a relatively small practice.
Which leads us to finish with our face lift! Not the kind you are automatically thinking of but a new “front” to Brighton Plastic Surgery. We will be closed from midday 23rd December and will be re-opening 16th Jan. During this time the majority of work to our “new face” will take place so when you next pop in to see us, things may look a little fresher ;)
Finally we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy festive season. We look forward to seeing you in 2017.