Mr Mutimer has had a long term association with Interplast and in Feb this year was fortunate enough to undertake another Interplast trip overseas, this time to Sri Lanka. The College of Surgeons in Sri Lanka requested Interplast assist them with the plastic surgery curriculum program development.
During his week long visit, Mr Mutimer met with the President of the College of Surgeons and also spent time working with the current plastic surgery trainees and members of the college who are directly involved in the development of the surgical training program.
Pictured below is Mr Mutimer along with Dr Dulip Perera (second from left), a plastic surgeon from Sri Lanka who has had a long standing relationship with Interplast and the development of plastic surgery in his country.
Following Mr Mutimer’s visit he was advised that he was nominated and accepted for honorary fellowship from the College of Surgeons Sri Lanka – which honours his contribution to the Plastic Surgery fraternity in Sri Lanka. This prestigious award is the highest given to a foreign surgeon by the college.